Criminal Representation

At Asesorías Legales, we provide solutions in criminal representation matters to our clients. We have a team of lawyers ready to represent our clients in various criminal proceedings, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies.

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We offer:

  • Legal representation in criminal proceedings,

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Why choose us?

Our criminal representation services provide our clients with an effective defense against any criminal charge. By relying on us, our clients have peace of mind knowing that their case is being handled by an experienced team of attorneys, which gives them confidence and security in their representation.

In addition, our criminal representation also ensures that our clients' rights and freedoms are protected throughout the entire legal process. With efficient legal representation, our clients can rest assured that their rights are being safeguarded and that an equitable solution is being sought.

At Asesorías Legales, we are dedicated to providing our clients with quality service throughout the entire criminal representation process. Our goal is to offer the best possible defense and strategy to obtain the best results.

Ask for our advice

Advice on Criminal Representation

We provided documentary assistance to a person who is facing criminal proceedings in which he is accused of having committed a crime.

Our advice includes topics such as:

Analysis of the case and evaluation of the client's legal situation

Advice on possible defense options and strategies to be followed

Review of proofs and evidence presented in the case

Representation of the client in hearings and court appearances.


*price per hour 

USD $109.90

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